Not quite as funny or clever as it should be... But she is so hot
1 March 2011
While I love the idea of "the first ever B-movie sitcom". I was at first a little let down by this lackluster attempt at entertainment. Mainly because I thought the original Chainsaw Sally was really good. But mostly because it just didn't seem like they put much thought into this. The guy that now plays Sally's brother, Ruby... seriously. What happened there? I couldn't tell if he was meant to be funny or not. The original was more like a gay man-child, who was actually kinda funny. The new one is just this pointless little guy, who's just dumb.

And the little chick that played Sally's friend, Poe. Even worse. Anything that comes out of her mouth is completely unentertaining. Which is obviously not her fault. Although her acting most certainly was. Now, I'm the absolute last person to complain about acting. But let's not forget the difference between funny-bad and dull-bad. I speak ill of this show only because I expected so much. Then again, there's always Sally...

Alright, enough hate. The truth is, Sally more than makes up for any and all shortcomings.

Brought to you by Jimmyo Burill, Herschell Gordon Lewis, Debbie Rochon and the Troma team! The Chainsaw Sally Show is nothing more than a 3 hour sequel to Chainsw Sally, broken up into 11 episodes. A concept which I hope catches on within the world of B-Horror. The DVD even has a laugh track option, making it feel like a real sitcom. Sally hasn't changed at all. She still thinks that killing and torturing simply because someone irritates her, is OK. Then again, if you had sat through The (original) Texas Chainsaw Massacre as much as she has, well, maybe slaughtering people would seem totally rational. Sally means well. Really she does.

It's all to make the world a better place. Think about it like this. If you buy some mint girlscout cookies, and you end up with peanut butter, all of a sudden, cold-blooded murder doesn't sound quite so cold-blooded, does it? Personally, I love peanut butter. But that's just me. I know how I would feel if I ordered peanut butter and got mint. Betrayed. When I was only trying to be nice to begin with!

Enough about cookies. Sally comes up with plenty of excuses to stalk n' stab away her frustrations. And there's also an episode featuring legendary B-movie beauty, Nicola Fiore, of Terror At Blood Fart Lake fame. In an episode which is by far my favorite, Miss Fiore plays a jogger who gets under Sally's skin by parking her car in a handicapped space. What follows is nothing short of amazing.

It sure was good of Troma to release this in such a nice package, with extras, plenty or trailers, and plenty of other random goodies. The most worthwhile Troma release i quite a while. So, please don't take my criticism from earlier as a warning that you shouldn't buy this. Because you totally should. It just ain't perfect. Then again, there's always Sally...
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