The Devil's Chair (II) (2007)
Theatre, Horror and Reflective Personality Disorder!
15 March 2011
If you listen to the lyrics of the song during the closing credits it says: "You must learn to love your demons and your demon's name is yours!"

Take this trip of a movie and you may discover the meaning of those words.

There is theatre in this movie that is definitely my way of thinking - and surrealism and eccentric imaginative villains, and an innocent way of telling a story that reminds me of "The Avengers" with Diana Rigg when she was at her most sexy and inspiring, and the witty and charming Patrick McNee; or perhaps, for another example of what I mean, "The Prisoner" with and made by Patrick McGoohan when he was dishy!

From such British 60's theatrical antecedents come the characters in this story - charming, theatrical, existential, seeking the meaning of their existence whilst trapped in a surrealist story - is it an adventure or a dream?!

"By the pricking of my thumb, something wicked this way comes!" ... what is it? What on EARTH!

Venture into the rabbit hole, but only if you are prepared for the butcher's knife when the plot turns sour. That's the only thing I didn't like. But I recognized the truth that was being expressed - "when the White Knight is talking backwards" is the White Knight really you? ... is it what it seems ... or is everything the reverse of however you think it is? Is the mad person sane and the sane person a demon? ... Or has the film-maker become lost in their own labyrinth of reversal-of-reality and turned the story into their own demonic reversal of the truth in one way, and the truth in another way?! If so, then it is the film-maker who has turned, in a final twist, insane and the movie become their demon that they do not love! Why, oh why, did the film-maker not embrace the reflective - reversed - or Looking-Glass "Gandalf the Wizard's" oh so important question: "Is the mad person sane" and, conversely - as implied, by the truth being the reversal, and in the consistency of a mirror's reflection - "Is the sane person mad"?!

But he copped out and semi-opted for the status-quo, nouveau-riche, family values view of "reality". He could have flipped-entirely, but unfortunately he lost his thread in the mirror-maze and couldn't get out again!
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