Kiss my ahnk
4 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This one of these movies I remember when it came out but I was too young to see it at the time, yet I remember a touch of controversy around it. As I've now just seen it today (finally!), I realize now controversy was due to the free use of drugs in reference and in use in this movie. It's a broad yet clever story of a man learning to feel, and all the trouble that gets him into. Sellers is great and so is Van Fleet as his mom - her laugh is so infectious when they all inadvertently get stoned on pot brownies, from an Alice B. Toklas recipe - hilarious. (Is that where the term 'toke' comes from?) Someone mentioned this movie is a time-capsule, and I couldn't agree more – it truly is a commentary of social upheaval focusing on a specific time when Stein and Toklas were on the scene, and how this uptight Jewish lawyer gets caught up in the hippy movement and love is everywhere. Even though a parody and farcical, I enjoyed some unexpected laughs at the clever dialog - so many great quotes in this movies! Like when entering into the throes of passion with the always beaming, blissed out Nancy, "Kiss my face…kiss my lips…kiss my ANKH!" – it's classic Peter Sellers comedy. (I'm not sure if that's a spoiler?) The film is highly concerned with marijuana and its use, and I found it refreshing and so much more open than what attitudes and views seem to be now – I don't think you could see a film like this now coming out of Hollywood. The wonderful relish with which they enjoy the brownies is priceless! Anyway I think this movie is all about the chaos of feelings – when we open up to them - wow! They can feel like a tidal wave of wonder, but invariably wreck havoc with the secure and stable foundations of your life – and no matter how you try and put them back in the box, once you've tasted freedom like that, there's no going back.
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