2 Stars only because Diesel 10 was almost awesome.
14 April 2011
First off let me state that I am 39 years old and always dug Thomas and Friends when I came across it while channel surfing. Now that my 2 year old son is into it is great. Thank God he over Barney...

Anyways my kid is always talking about choo-choos and the Sodor characters. One day he wakes me up talking about Diesel 10. I never heard of him, so off to the internet I go. Find out who he is and that he is the evil unamed train at the end of the Misty Island Rescue movie (which did rock by the way) declaring that he will be extracting his revenge soon. An evil Thomas and Friends train, I love it.

Then I see on youtube some great footage with a crazy old guy who was riding atop Diesel 10 with great ominous music and the big chase scene from Magic Railroad. I heard they cut the old guy because kids were too scared. I thought that this was going to be awesome, an evil train trying to kill the steam engines.

So I get the movie for my kid and we watch it. Pure disappointment. What is up with Shining Time Station being thrown in, possibly the gayest show of all time. The Sodor scenes were good but every time they switched to Shining Time this lame acoustic music would come on and suck. They spent about 70% of the movie in Shining Time.

The plot made no sense. Magic, gold dust, evil train, Lady the magic train, Baldwin and his cousin being stuck forever in Sodor put it in a blender and that is your plot. My wife and I didn't get it at all. Terrible writing. Also what was with Peter Fonda, he looked like his dog had just died the whole movie. Even when he was supposed to be happy and full of magic, he looked suicidal and dejected.

Now onto Diesel 10. Awesome train with lots of evil potential, totally ruined by terrible goofy voice. And his diesel buddies, just dumb henchmen. I'm sorry but I want real evil. I want steam engines dead. That would've been truly awesome. Not slapstick evil. That video on youtube with the evil symphonic music that got me amped up to watch this garbage must've had the good music put on by the youtube poster because the chase scene in the movie had lighthearted music during the chase. It was terrible, like playing the Benny Hill theme Yakety Sax for the shark's theme in Jaws or Darth Vader's theme in Star Wars. It would've totally changed the movie.

The upcoming Day of the Diesels looks to be good. Hopefully Diesel 10 will be really evil and kill off some steam engines.

Having said all that, my 2 year old seems to love the movie. He wants to watch it over and over and gets excited when Diesel 10 is on camera. I may just rip the video to my Mac and edit out the Shining Time/Peter Fonda drek and have a solid 4 star/10 25 minute movie to tide us over until Day of the Diesels comes out. Would love to see Diesel 10 maim and kill Sir Topham Hatt/Fat Director.

By the way the way the UK version of the TV show, that I see on youtube is much better than the US version. Why do they have to dumb it down and gay it up for us yanks?
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