Indescribable is What You Can Call Dane Cook
21 April 2011
Dane Cook looks really handsome enough. Too bad his talent doesn't match his good looks. Some comedians in this day and age, like let's say, Steve Carell, can get away with being bad actors once in a while because they at least have charm and talent inside. But Dane Cook has nothing. No talent, no charm. He is just coarse, crass, cringeworthy, and foul-mouthed throughout "My Best Friend's Girl." His comedy style is an acquired taste, and I can see why.

Then there is Kate Hudson. She always had enough charm but what she really needs is a hit. She really hasn't had a hit since being nominated for an Oscar for "Almost Famous" back in 2000, which wasn't a comedy. Since then, she wants to follow the footsteps of her famous mother Goldie Hawn in romantic comedy after romantic comedy. So far, she hasn't found anything yet, and all of her subsequent movies have been flops. Hopefully, a hit will follow her soon.

I haven't seen any of the "American Pie" movies, but I realize that when you see the name Jason Biggs, you know he will pop in some raucous gross-out comedy that will satisfy the Generation X crowd.

Take these three actors, Dane Cook being the worst one of them all, and put them into "My Best Friend's Girl." There is nothing but vomit jokes and continuous swearing that is never funny. Cook plays the supercool hustler Tank, who is hired by his nerdy close friend Dustin (Biggs) to go out on a date with his coworker and ex-girlfriend, Alexis (Hudson). Tank is the kind of guy who has one night stands women from failed relationships and returns them to their exes. Predictably, Tank and Alexis fall in love. More gross-outs and fights ensue. We get to see less of Dustin, and the story concentrates mostly on Tank with Alexis in the middle. There is a cameo by Alec Baldwin as Tank's equally lecherous and foul-mouthed father. Even Baldwin doesn't help.

The movie is too long. The characters are all despicable. Someone like Kate Hudson really knows better, and audience members keep asking themselves "What's a sweet, nice gal like Kate Hudson doing in dreck like this?" Hudson is too perky and sweet to be vulgar. I believe being brought up by Goldie and Kurt, she doesn't seem the gross-out type like let's say, Cameron Diaz, whose gross-out humor from "There's Something Like Mary" was actually convincingly funny, and that's why she was the gross-out queen of the late 1990s. Everyone else acts really nasty in this movie. Dane Cook is just nasty. I don't like nasty humor. 1980s teen comedy director Howard Deutch returns to helm this haphazard train wreck sloppily. A total mess, skip this floperoo, which it was at the box office.
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