Fringe: The Last Sam Weiss (2011)
Season 3, Episode 21
Epic finale second part and the mad scientist next door review
30 April 2011
Dear patient,

This is Walter Bishop and I would like to welcome you to my new experiment, Foreseen Review. It's actually an old project I worked on with my good friend William Bell back in 1985. Our goal is simple. I ask a question and answer it the same way you will once you have seen the episode. If our answers differ it means the world as you know it is about to end. Be prepared for the ultimate odyssey !

I. Should we just get rid of Astrid ? Of course not even if she acts as my friendly pet at times her kindness and encouraging words allowed me to overcome the most desperate situations. She taught me so much and in this installment she put in light what happened to me in the chapel. Do I believe in God ? As a man of science you probably think I was desperate but there're times when it's better to question your beliefs and become a man of faith if necessary than staying still and not doing anything. Just Believe !

II. Am I in love with Olivia ? Of course I am, what a silly question. Or silly me I should say. Never mind, the important thing is that this time our relationship was developed further and I was able to finally tell her how I see her. Anna Torv is such a talented actress, but not as sexy as me – little big John Noble, and I really cared about revealing the beautiful humanity in her character. Considering she had to make the impossible become possible I just tried to support her the best I could, like Astrid does even if she really annoys me at times. See we both lack confidence in our abilities. She's special but I feel like the village idiot even if my partners trust me.

III. Will Peter ever wake up ? I have no idea but really hope so. However if you naively think this is just fiction then there's a good chance that Joshua Jackson will recover. See I have seen 28 Days Later and on naked Tuesday I always wonder if it would have been as excellent if its protagonist had stayed in a coma for the whole film. I don't think so. Moreover Jackson is paid to act, not to sleep. Seriously the story has never been so twisted and should even remember you Sliders.

IV. Do they have what it takes to produce a mind blowing finale ? Even if half the budget is spent on rendering 3D location titles no one cares about we still had a few bucks to surprise the audience. The first thing is that the episode was heavy on well polished visual effects. It proves that 6:02 AM EST was really the calm before the storm. And I mean storm ! There were also plenty of fresh sets chosen by Sam Weiss himself. That man creeps me out but when it comes to design he's a genius, like I used to be. Museum ? Stroke ! Antics shop ? Coined ! Our team was even able to make you believe the machine could actually be real. Of course it is but the audience is not supposed to know it. Fringe is just the solution we have found to warn them of… I have already told you too much !

V. So what's your monkey sketch this time ? Last time Naughty Slippers™ was a mistake. They weren't supposed to write it and I wasn't supposed to do my part. We just thought the viewers weren't ready yet to witness how charming I am. Moreover this time we were just uninspired. What could we possibly have imagined ? There's nothing funny about storm. Otherwise there was room for my favorite sequence : The science lab session. It's even better when – not so serious – Philip Broyles is my witness because Lance Reddick is only an actor and doesn't know anything about magnetic fields and Jean-Michel Jarre !

VI. Will it end with an other cliffhanger ? You're a smart reader, you should know better. This is a three parts finale and the continuity was so well planned that once done with season 3 you should instantly want to watch it all over again. But considering you have endured my painful writing so far I think it's time to give you a scoop : Season 4 has already begun.

Now if you haven't already seen The Last Sam Weiss I really hope our little game convinced you to turn on your TV. And if it's already done then you probably think I'm a mad scientist who has spent way too much time spanking pancakes and bugging the networks with his silly jokes. I can't help, it's my nature.

W. B.
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