Review of Dinoshark

Dinoshark (2010 TV Movie)
Hilariously Bad but SO god dam Funny
17 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This film along with Sharktopus made my year. Its so delightfully stupid that it deserves its own Acadamy Award "Best So-Bad-Its-Good Film".

The film is a about a prehistoric monster which kind off looks like a sea reptile from the dinosaur age but its a shark obviously. The CG effects are excellent by SyFy standards and the movie does have some entertaining moments. Yes the characters are boring and 1 dimensional but have you ever seen a B movie were the characters are interesting. Roger Corman likes to make movies that nobody else would make. People often forget that these movies were everywhere during the 70s and 80s most of them were god awful (Cruel Jaws, Grizzly, Octopus etc" but others were delightfully cheesy (The Last Shark, Monster Shark, Alligator, Pirhana 2 The Spawning, Carnosaur etc) these SyFy films are a tribute to these. Just like how puppets were used badly CGI is used horrifically in these movies.

Yes most of the SyFy exclusives are crap (Vipers, Sea Snakes, Snakes on a Train, 100 Million BC Etc) but there are a few that make me wet myself every time i see them (DinoCroc, Sharktopus, Malibu Shark Attack, Mega Pirhana etc) You have to be in the right mood to watch this film. If you want to see a masterpiece like JAWS or Jurassic Park your not going to get it, but if you just want to escape from reality and release the inner moron within you then watch DinoShark 10/10

Idea:Sharktopus vs Dinoshark vs Dinocroc vs Pirhanaconda
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