This American Life Live! (2009 TV Special)
A Fathom live event at a screen near you, from April, 2009
22 June 2011
I saw this as a live screen event. These things used to be called closed circuit TV. The theater was two thirds full and all were TAL fans who all applauded the beginning and end of the performance.

It begins with a video segment about a Florida community sentencing shoplifters to public shaming with mixed results. Three lengthy story performances follow that typify the best kind of TAL experience. It concludes with a charming musical number by Josh Whedon.

TAL is such good radio I have mixed feelings about 'seeing' the show. Adding the visual doesn't add that much. By chance or TAL synchronous occurrence, a year later I heard a radio broadcast of the show as I drove cross country to a new home. Listening just seems more intimate and compliments the confessional stories told here. Never the less it's a kick to see the performers and was nice to be in the community of TAL fans.
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