Fun Stooge Short
29 June 2011
Rockin' Thru the Rockies (1940)

*** (out of 4)

Moe, Larry and Curly are taking four showgirls from Kansas to San Francisco but they get held up in the Rockies where they soon come under attack from Indians. The Indians warn them to get out by the next night or else but the Stooges lose their horses and have to come up with a different route of escape. The Western setting is one that the Stooges used quite often and once again it's perfectly used in this very funny entry that manages to have all the classic violence that you'll love as well as several great routines. One of the highlights of the film has the boys going ice fishing and of course they keep falling into the water and even manage to catch a "fish that looks like Moe." The stuff dealing with the Indians isn't the funniest written parts but there are a few good moments where there's a redskin joke and the end chase is funny even if it doesn't pay off too well. As you'd expect, the violence level here is pretty high as all three men are getting slap and punched but Moe gets to take a few violent cracks over the head with an axe and the abuse he takes during the fishing sequence is priceless. Another great sequence has the boys sleeping together during a frigid night and the aftermath in the morning is hysterical to say the least. Fans of the Stooges will enjoy this short and those unfamiliar with the group will also find themselves laughing.
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