30 August 2011
As a medic in the Army, I served in Iraq for 12 months. While in Iraq, I worked in the Emergency Room of a Combat Support Hospital (CSH). I believe this qualifies me to express that this show is a complete joke. There are too many flaws to even comment about. It as if they sacrificed all reality just to create some drama. I think if this show accurately depicted what really goes on in a combat hospital, it would be twice as entertaining and would receive more viewers. Or just make the damn show a comedy, since i spent most of my time laughing at how ridiculous it is. I do appreciate the fact that the show is based around the military and their sacrifices. I just feel that if somebody is going to put the effort into making a television series, why wouldn't they put more research into it. The only thing that they seemed to get right was the color of the dirt. I find it a little offensive that one of the most critical years in my life is portrayed so poorly.
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