Star Trek: What Are Little Girls Made Of? (1966)
Season 1, Episode 7
What Are Little Girls Made Of?
31 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
On a planet whose surface is the temperature of Antarctica, Captain Kirk(William Shatner) attempts to find a famed archaeological scientist, Dr. Roger Korby, deemed lost there, Nurse Chapel (Majel Barrett) his love hoping her man is safe despite having not communicated with Starfleet in over five years. Indeed Korby is alive and has an unusual request..for Kirk to beam down alone (that is until he hears Chapel's voice and delightedly welcomes her to beam down as well) because of a secret he wants the Captain to see before anyone else knows about it. What Kirk encounters—androids—will create a difficult scenario where he is held prisoner by Korby who has plans for replacing humans with robotic replicas. How Kirk will warn Spock when Korby makes an exact replica of the Captain as part of his plot is quite clever. Michael Strong is Dr. Roger Korby, seemingly sincere in the idea that he is *helping* the human race, not harming it by substituting a mortal body for a perfect eternal one. This particular episode may be most remembered for guest-starring Ted Cassidy (Lurch of "The Addams Family") as a hulking robot named Ruk who lifts Kirk off his feet and hurls him across a room (after an attempted escape) like a rag doll. That and the luscious Sherry Jackson as one of the sexiest fembots you'll ever likely see, in this smoking "X outfit" that just barely keeps her breasts in place, showing plenty of skin—yep, as you must know Kirk gets to kiss her on the lips not once, but twice (the second time, of course, has Kirk pulling her in tight when she seems to reluctantly resist). Barrett uses her eyes effectively, especially when Sherry Jackson appears for the first time, and rightfully so considering her man has been on the planet with her for several years. As you also must know, there are two security guards who fall prey to Ruk— we cannot go an episode without some colorless extras getting killed, now can we? The Enterprise crew factor very little in this episode of Star Trek as practically the entire story takes place on the planet inside a ruins guarded against the cold temperature thanks to the mechanical beings (the race who created them are extinct, perhaps a dark omen for Korby who seems to be walking in their footsteps). The twist regarding Korby is a nifty bit of irony.
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