Person of Interest (2011–2016)
Give It Time!
23 September 2011
I love the lead actors, Jim Cazaviel and Michael Emerson, who play Reese and Finch in this post-9-11 world. Finch finds and bails Reese out of jail and hires him to help protect Jessica Hanson in the first episode from being killed or killing. Unlike other crime dramas on the air, they don't play by the book which is refreshing. I hope they add more female characters in to help explain Finch and Reese's backgrounds. I love Michael Emerson ever since his performance in Lost. As Finch, he's totally believable as the rich billionaire who wants to make a difference and stop further horrible attacks such as murder. We don't know why he does it except how he felt after the September 11 attacks in New York City but he realized how much or how little money and power. Finch developed a system to help track persons of interest before something terrible happens to him. Reese is perfect as a former government agent disillusioned by the agency and the world to help him foil further plots. I keep looking for the future for this show and hope it lasts a season.
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