Opinion with child.
1 October 2011
Watched this once and was touched then watched it with my 10 year old daughter,heavy maybe but that is why I wanted to watch it with her. Having a dialogue with her I learned so much more than when I watched by myself. Having to answer questions like "why would this happen" and "why can't it be fixed" made this a richer experience, though I struggled for answers. I saw how unaware I am and wanted to change that. Children can sure put a mirror on you. As she watched the struggles 'The Lost Boys' I saw her tear up, laugh and my favorite- understand.

One event where the Ritz crackers and milk go in the blender, I thought was strange and then realized why it would happen,but it took me aback for a moment. Child-matter of fact- "they must be doing that so it is more like things they have eaten before" She loved when they had the celebration outside of the apartment and course when John was reunited with his mother. She hated the way that much of the community treated the newcomers(scared when in a group for example,though wouldn't you want to be around those you know) and felt uncomfortable with the first scenes in the grocery store.

I wish we could all take a lesson from children and those featured in the film and be curious,empathetic, and appreciative , because I think we forget sometimes.
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