A Little Odd, But Kind Of Sweetly Endearing
14 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
i enjoyed this. but i like old movies and "B" movie sci fi from the 50's. especially atomic age themes. so i'm partial to this sort of thing in the first place. if you're looking for 'Avatar' or 'Close Encounters' you should probably stick to major, mainstream movies.

it's fun to wander off the beaten path to find little known or appreciated films that aren't known as standards or are snubbed by snobbish intellectual types. i'd never even heard of this before. i was a little surprised as to how quaint it was. because i always think i've seen everything with movies and i've seen a lot of "quaint". it still intrigues me as to how many older movies can still manage to impress me as totally strange and you never hear anything about them.

this movie had many strange moments starting with the starfish get ups for the aliens. also the transformation of one of the starfish into a human was visually arresting and effective. i was a little unnerved by the scenes of animals and fish dying from the catastrophe because it really looked as if they drugged or poisoned them to get them to keel over. not cool. i'm sure PETA would have their day with this. a lot of Japanese films of the past would resort to animal cruelty to stage a scene. anyone that's seen the kiddie film 'Milo and Otis' and watched in horror at the things done to the cats will know what i'm saying here. don't know. i guess a lot of animal treatment rules were lax in Japan back then.

all in all this was a pretty entertaining little trip out. it wasn't half bad sci fi either if you can really suspend disbelief. and it definitely makes for delightful nostalgia.
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