So crazy that it was almost awesome...
29 October 2011
Well, if you're going to watch that movie prepare yourself for following: The first 5-10 minutes of the film - you will watch it in silence with your mouth open. Somewhen in the next 5 minutes - you'll finally find out how to speak again and think "what the f***k is THAT" During the following 10 minutes - you'll be to stunned to turn the movie off and leave it that way. The next 5 minutes - after you realize that you are actually watching a movie and NOT some kind of spoken dictionary of vulgar words, you'll get curious what other stupidity is going to happen in the next few minutes. The following 20 minutes - your curiosity will turn to silent amusement. The next 5 minutes - you'll finally shut your mouth up and you'll be wondering about Russell Brand's sanity for the rest of the movie. The last few minutes of the movie - you'll be laughing so hard your chest will be in permanent pain for the next two hours.

I believe that nothing more needs to be written =)
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