Hollow Gate (1988)
Lousy but sporadically amusing slasher drivel
8 November 2011
I find myself writing this review a day after viewing, not because it inspired me so much I couldn't wait, but because if I leave it much longer the film is pretty much guaranteed to vacate my memory. A quivering slab of SOV junk that neither glistens with home movie crapulence nor captures any genuine freakishness or gruesome laughs, Hollow Gate is pretty far from memorable, though it does at least carve out a more or less bearable path for its 87 minutes or so. We have the sad tale of Mark Nelson here, humiliated by his boozy step dad and thusly bound for insanity and subsequent murder, it's a message film clothed in the inimitable rags of 80's video technology. Child mockery makes for ticking time bombs, unwatched cars may be set to explode, unwatched pills may remain untaken, even with assurances that they have been. Be nice, be attentive, writer/director Ray Di Zazzo seems to say. Or maybe not, but you can never tell. Anyhoo, this is worse than average for a late 80's slasher, witless padding by idiot cops bulks out a pretty thin set up, there are only 4 kids about for the offing in the bulk of the film and the blood and gore is very thin on the ground. At least Addison Randall conjures up some enthusiastic unhingement to make up for being utterly unscary, while the two ladies in peril of the film are easy enough on the eye. Randall seemed to pop up in a fair few straight to video roles, though of the aforementioned womenfolk the most interesting sounding later film role is Katrina Alexy being "Head in a Bowl" in the likely never seen by anybody short film Oatmeal. Achievement! Best (or worst, depending on how you look at these things) for acting in this one is Richard Dry, who perhaps anticipating never appearing in anything else builds up a head of steam before really blowing loose the last stages of the film. His madly profane panic and acclamations of love to his girlfriend carry a remarkable energy, almost as if his very life depended on it, and its an almost awesome thing to behold. There isn't much reason to watch this one altogether, I wouldn't recommend it. Inane killer, daft costumes (though his soldier scene is pretty funny) little violence, this is something of a failure, of interest only to the real geeks out there. Dig in if you feel you must and you might not get burned too bad, but there are still tons of worthwhile obscure slashers out there that you likely haven't seen, so try them instead.
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