Review of Hangover

The Alfred Hitchcock Hour: Hangover (1962)
Season 1, Episode 12
The morning after the night before
13 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Excellent depiction of the evils and destructiveness of alcoholism by the "Master" Alfred Hitchcock himself. Hitchcock who does the prologue and epilogue of his hour long drama series even refrains from his usual joking at the conclusion of "Hangover" and seriously tells the audience about what booze can do to you. If like the star of the episode Tony Randell, as Madison Ave advertisement executive Hadley Purvis, you let it get control of your life.

Waking up with a king size hangover Hadley Purvis can't seem to get his bearings straight. Something just isn't right with him. He can't seem to remember what happened to him over the last 24 hours of his life. It's as if that time was erased from his conciseness. It's during the rest of the Alfred Hitchcock episode that Hadley slowly regains his memory and it's to reveal to him the most shocking and destructive 24 hours of his entire life. So shocking that it can drive him back to drink if he can still find any more booze left in his house which he all but consumed.

There's Hadley long suffering wife Sandra, Dodie Heath, who threatened to leave him if he keeps on drinking who just seemed to have evaporated into thin air. Did she finally leave him after his latest bender? There's also the gorgeous Marion, Jayne Mansfield, who Hadley was picked up by at the local ginmill after he was almost thrown out for demanding drinks after the bar's happy hour was over. What was Marion doing in his house? What would happen if Sandra showed up and found her there all alone with him?

Hadley later find out that he was fired from his job at the advertisement agency by making a total jerk of himself at a meeting where he was the feature speaker. Getting smashed on gin and vodka Hadley completely drunk and out of it almost fell on his head trying to push the latest car his agency was promoting! That's while he was too drunk to even stand on his feet much less talk coherently.

***SPOILERS*** The final shock to Hadley's system was this silk scarf that he bought for his wife Sandra to make up for all the trouble he caused her. Hadley didn't even realize that he bought the scarf until he found a receipt for it in his wallet. In Hadley's booze soaked mind the scarf would prove to him and Sandra he was in fact sober. Sober enough to spend his last $10.00 for something else then a bottle of booze. But were is it?

***MAJOR SPOILER*** Checking out his basement Hadley finally finds the scarf that he bought for Sandra as some kind of peace offer to her. He found all right it where he last put It: Tightly wrapped around Sandra's neck!
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