Habeas Corpus (1928)
Bow & Fiddle, Meticulously Playing Against Each Other In What Is Essentially A Horror Movie Spoof.*
16 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
AS THE TRAIL to a Laurel & Hardy team as we remember it continues on its way, we are confronted with a sojourn into the macabre; or at least into the parody of that sort of story. The story is thread bare, not taking on anything that could be considered in any way to be superfluous.

THE BOYS SHOW up at the doorstep of the obviously prototypical Mad Scientist; innocently looking for some honest employment. Following what was rapidly becoming their trademark, our heroes methodically milk every intricacy of their meeting with this man,their new found benefactor.

THE BY THEN trademark of the Laurel & Hardy team's comedies, the reacting and re-reacting of both members to their encounters with everyone and everything, was becoming an expected and integral part of what their ever growing audiences were expecting. It was this metamorphosis of slowing things down that brought Stan Laurel up to the pinnacle of success that had the whole world following their (mis)adventures in each succeeding comedy short.

PRIOR TO THEIR accidental teaming as a part of the Hal Roach All-Stars, they had both been very active and busy in making films. Hardy had been an all around and multifaceted character actor, who wasn't necessarily limited to comic portrayals; having contributed portrayals of "the Bad Guy" in many a movie. His fullness of physique and highly animated face readily lent themselves to villainous characterizations; such as that in REX KING OF THE WILD HORSES.

LAUREL ON THE other hand had worked for many a company and split time between being before the camera and writing, devising gags and, ultimately, directing. We have found his work to be pleasant, highly energetic and always funny. But, as skillful as Laurel was, there was little to distinguish his screen persona from some of the others around;such as Charley Chase, Larry Semon and even the early Harold Lloyd.**

ONCE THE TWO were joined, and were playing together with such success, they were both transformed into that most unique of all comedy teams. After all, where else could you have to pose such questions as: "Who's the straight man and who's the stooge?"

OUR ONLY ANSWER would be both of them to each part of that last interrogative sentence. HABEOUS CORPUS marks a big step by the two of them in moving up the comedic ladder. Along with Writer/Director, Mr. Leo McCarey, they would be taking things a great distance ahead in the following year with shorts such as YOU'RE DARN TOOTIN, THEIR PURPLE MOMENT, DOUBLE WHOOPEE and BIG BUSINESS (which epitomized the gag style of has come to be called, "Reciprocal Destruction."

NOTE: * Okay, we concede the point. The term "Horror Movie" hadn't come into usage until James Whale's FRANKENSTEIN )Universal, 1931). But the point is well taken, nonetheless!

NOTE: ** Stan Laurel, himself, later admitted this and credited both McCarey and Hardy for solidifying his spot in our hearts forever.
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