Review of Gunless

Gunless (2010)
The Montana Kid is very out of place in British Colombia.
25 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
With a very unusual title, and a very quirky story, I found this delightful movie on Netflix, via streaming video. The actors create unique, funny characters that are also interesting.

The year is 1878. Paul Gross is the Montana Kid, and he shows up in this small Canadian village of population 17, tied up and sitting backwards in the saddle, on his horse. Clearly he has been in some sort of disagreement, and he doesn't even know where he is.

We see very quickly that he is a gunman with a quick temper, and soon is threatening to add number 12 to his list of killings.

But this town has gentle people and, except for the one that Montana has, not a handgun anywhere. This makes things difficult to challenge the local blacksmith to a gunfight after Montana is insulted.

I have a special liking for Sienna Guillory and here she is Jane Taylor who needs help repairing her windmill so that her water pump will work. She bargains with Montana, she will provide the handgun if he will repair her windmill.

It is refreshing that no one actually gets shot and killed in this movie. Montana and Jane take a liking to each other, and with the help of the Canadian mounties they actually run the bounty hunters out of the country.

Nothing special or lasting here, just light entertainment. Paul Gross is very good in his role as the Montana Kid.
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