Carnage (2011)
A well written, acted and directed movie centering a quartet of actors.
26 December 2011
Carnage is a thought provoking and entertaining movie. The back and forth banter from the four characters, well the only characters, was spot on and amazing. One might think that a movie that has only a quartet of actors would become silly or old, that assumption would be incorrect. The writers Yasmina Reza and Roman Polanski are spot on with this intelligent and vast display of verbal emotion, which the audience is privy to. The course at which the conversation flows fourth in Carnage is engaging and embracing, it is a rare feat when a movie grabs a hold of you with such vigor and life. The director Roman Polanski won an Oscar gold for Rosemary's Baby in 1968, he has once again, shown that he is in full control in the director's seat, while filming and guiding such an accomplished and talented cast. The way the characters interact when outside variables are introduced is stunning; also the change in demeanor, tone, hand gestures, and body language is remarkable. This is not only a well written movie, but it is also visually exquisite to the eye, as you begin to allow yourself to look deeper into what is actually being presented to you. These subtle changes ripple quickly through the scenes and dialogue causing a positive and fruitful effect.
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