Review of Bandidas

Bandidas (2006)
11 February 2012
This is essentially a Western buddy movie, only with two stunning Latina actresses instead of Paul Newman and Robert Redford. While there's a serious underlying story, there's also considerable humor, much of it physical and not a little of it having to do with the considerable physical charms of Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz. This movie was aimed at being entertaining, not at being Oscar bait, and it is very entertaining indeed. The two women start out seeking revenge for the deaths of their fathers, and though they come from very different social strata (Gee, doesn't that sound familiar?) they join forces to achieve their goals. This leads to a great deal of interplay between the two of them. You may have seen that before in any number of buddy movies, but having it occur between two women makes it all seem fresh. This is the sort of movie I'd watch more than once.
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