Nice costume romp
8 February 2012
This is a lot of fun, and the time passes pretty quickly. I am not familiar with Musset's plays, but the story comes to life fairly well under Civanyan's direction. Gerard Jugnot as van Buck, a grasping merchant who also has a sympathetic side (he was cuckolded by his brother), plays very well. It was good to see him get away from those Bronzes comedies. Jean Dujardin has been rising in popularity lately (I must go see The Artist) and he displays a sure hand in comedy. He is very good as Jugnot's wastrel nephew--just the right blend of sleaziness and charm--but he doesn't make me forget Depardieu in Cyrano, Belmondo in Les maries de l'an II or Noiret in Que la fete commence: these are the real masters in period comedy.

Melanie Doutey can sit there and read the phone book, I'd still be enchanted by her. Since I saw her as Magimel's sister in La fleur du mal I have been looking out for her films. This is a good addition to her filmography.
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