Disappointing average and over rated
16 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Having recently watched 'Megan is missing'(written and directed by Michael Gori)spurred a few thoughts in my mind, and in fact how badly a so called 'horror' film can be directed.

Although all seems bad praises go to the writter in some kind of an extent for 'attempting' to bring a film to bring awareness to some's eyes.

Megan Stewart (14) and best friend Amy Herman (13) though differ to one another spend nearly every moment, day, and minute together. Clinging together for social acceptance. Megan becomes intrigued with a 'boy' on the internet, without knowing that this boy is in fact a paedophile, 'MAN'

If you consider the first 30 minutes of this film, it makes you feel as though you are back in school watching one of those educational teen documentaries that make teens think twice.

This film being rated a 15+ is a joke to me, it's disappointing and in fact disgusting. Me myself being a 15 year old was mentally scarred having watched this movie it's great to watch and be aware of the issues that can actually go on in the world we live in about 30 minutes in. But paedophilia for a film should not be shown this way.

Genuinely, realistically this film's moral issue should be aimed and shown to the clueless, teenagers and under-age.

But no, this film could not be shown to a 12 year old, and the reason being the last 30 minutes of this film turns into a mental amount of minutes of torture, rape and the de-humiliation of humans.

Since when was it OK to promote drinking and underage sex okay to do? Since when was making a film so unrealistic to real life issues okay? and most definitely above all since when was it okay to present such an issue as this in the most wrong way ever?

Take Trust (2010) a film including the same issue but different understandably okay scenes, it presents the issue with no need of there being any rape and violence in such a way Megan is missing is presenting

So really, watch this film go for it it's most definitely not a great film its just one that you'll watch be shocked about and recover from watching this disastrous film about two days after

This film is most definitely 'missing' the point.
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