Footloose (2011)
Extremely enjoyable - a nice wink and a nod to the original
24 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Let me begin by saying, yes I am OLD. I saw the original in the theaters waaaaaaaay back in the olden days. Loved it! What 10 year old wouldn't? So here we are now and like most people I was really perturbed that Hollywood was once again vomiting out yet another remake of a good movie that has NO reason to be remade. However, after hearing some reviews I opted to give it a chance and I am glad I did.

The plot and general series of events are pretty much the same. If you've seen the first movie I don't need to explain all that again. I am pleased to say that this film, while not a shot for shot remake, is close enough to be nostalgic but fresh enough to not be same ol' same ol'.

I feel the dancers/actors all did a fine job and I have no objection to anybody's performance. I rather enjoyed our Ren and Willard and I am glad they opted for talented 'not so well known' performers rather than handing the roles to over blown celebutards who have middling dancing skills (and no that is not a poke at Kevin Bacon - who was not very well known when he made the original either).

I'll admit to smiling at the little details from the first movie they tossed in, including what looks to be Kevin Bacon's entire wardrobe and yellow VW bug.

Really, the only bad thing I can say about this movie is, WHAT THE HECK was the stylist thinking when they put Ariel in that monstrously ugly pink dress at the end? Thankfully this Ariel has a figure worth looking at (sorry Lori Singer) and they make her wear that? When you see it, you'll get what I mean. It looks like something sold for streetwalkers in undeveloped countries.
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