Alias: A Higher Echelon (2003)
Season 2, Episode 11
Protecting ECHELON and saving Marshall
27 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
As the episode starts Sydney is happily telling Will how they have extracted Marshall from SD-6 whilst, unbeknownst to her, he is in fact being tortured by Cuvee's henchman Dr. Zhang Lee, he tries to resist but soon tells his torturer that he has sent to codes needed to access ECHELON to SD-6 but because of his photographic memory he can recreate the codes for him. It turns out however that the codes sent to SD-6 were incomplete so the race is on to get the completed codes while the CIA rush to find Cuvee's access point so they can shut it forever and thus block both him and SD-6. If that wasn't enough excitement for one episode Ariana Kane is continuing to investigate Jack and Sydney and Dixon must attempt to rescue Marshall.

This was another decent episode with some good action scenes although the best moment came when Marshall told Dr Lee that he had finished his work only to reveal that he had been coding something rather more amusing that was requested! This showed that far from being the slightly bumbling backroom boy he is both brave and has a wicked sense of humour; Kevin Weisman did particularly well in the role here. Jack's story was interesting to and is likely to have consequences at the CIA as Ariana Kane's questions about him killing Agent Haladki were heard by Vaughn... of course he has to convince SD-6 that he isn't betraying them before he can worry about what the CIA might do! Fans of Sloane's evilness should enjoy this one; Ron Rifkin brilliantly portrays the man whose concern for Marshall; who is likely to be tortured to death is minimal to say the least!
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