Cute story
11 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The story is a coming-of-age story. A young girl -and her family- is struggling to lead a happy life at home while her father is mostly absent. She suffers by not knowing exactly what her father does. Her friends' fathers meanwhile are celebrated for their accomplishments. She envies her friends' pride. Eventually her father accomplishes the work he had set out to do and for which he had abandoned his family. She realizes that sometimes the achievement of something worthwhile is mostly a thankless job and that it is done not for the glory of it but for the benefit it will bring to society as a whole.

In response to Mark's first statement: this film is... He believes this film to be solely a propaganda film, I say it is not so. It is a coming-of-age story that shows the struggles a young girl goes through while not knowing exactly why.

statement: Of course, the absentee.... I believe the absentee father working arduously for the betterment of society as a whole whilst sacrificing his own family is an ideal the film hopes to inspire in people (propaganda-like but this is a flaw not limited to NK). (Kim Jong-Il travels 365 days a year according to the movie)

statement: How dare these people trouble him with trifling... I answer that the struggles depicted are a means to an "ideal" end.

statement: These peasants should be grateful... *Mark's rant*

statement: There is humor to be found, albeit unintentional, as one scene features... This scene serves to demonstrate that work normally done by a father is not being done. There is also another scene with the chimney that serves the same purpose. Mark seems to think it is humorous, I disagree.

statement: Another scene shows a hastily constructed 'PC Lab'... I don't understand what the deal is with this statement. If a prop is not needed for the advancement of the scene then it is not something one should dwell on while critiquing a movie.

statement: In the final analysis, one should treat this movie as... had mark been more sensible and less hasty he could have written a better analysis but in most points I disagree with his assessment.
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