15 April 2012
Thanks to YouTube, I have seen 'Night of the Demon' the uncut version. Most people say 'its bad its good' but in my opinion its awful. The acting is horrible, the music is horrible and story is just plain out boring and awful. I'm glad that this movie didn't get an official DVD release. There is some on eBay and Amazon, heck, I don't care if people want to buy this and waste there money on this awful thing you call a 'cult classic' ,but the film is in such bad quality from a VHS transfer. The story is slow, Bigfoot looks like a rejected Chewbacca, the ending is in slow motion, the overuse of roars and growls and the characters are unmemorable. Even though there is gore, the gore is just unbearable to watch. There are many people who like this kind of stuff...but not me.
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