Tideland (2005)
21 April 2012
I heard about this one in a roundabout way. Being a Gilliam fan I was disturbed that one his got by me without my knowing so I immediately went to go find it. If you are familiar with Gilliam films you know his imagery is often way out there and you learn to expect the unusual. After reading several reviews, and even commentary from Gilliam himself about how people getting so disturbed they left the theatre or how people either LOVE it or HATE because it is so polarizing I was ramped up for something I was going to have to put serious thought into...something I would be contemplating a week later and trying to decide if I was a lover or a hater. Well, I watched it last night and I have to say I am a hater, but not for the reasons Gilliam seems to indicate would shock and awe me. This form was so outrageously boring I wanted to turn it off and break the DVD. Yikes, what a snore! I have no idea what Dear Gilliam was smoking when he made this - or why anyone would get so upset they would leave the theatre. The biggest risk about seeing this movie is falling asleep.
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