Gossip Girl (2007–2012)
Glitzy as a Tiffany box but is there anything inside?
3 May 2012
Gossip Girl gets a lot of bad reviews yet it is wildly popular. There has to be a reason for that. People who hate this program are more than likely missing the point. As Naom Chomsky says they are seeing the surface structure only.

The program features the flash, glamorous lives of a young generation in the middle of a cosmopolitan high society. Their lives are a circuit of expensive living and over reacting to trivial matters. They crave status in a media age and because of this fear the tweets and social information of the anonymous Gossip Girl.

So either the producers intended to produce a series, or we could call it product, to appeal to an early 20's demographic living in cities and upper middle class. Or they have satirized the aforementioned demographics empty and shallow aspirations.

I'll support the idea that Gossip Girl is a critique on a meaningless type of society that seeks to find meaning through how much media attention they are receiving. To be talked about is the only value worth holding. To be embarrassed and horrified by every revelation about your private life but more horrified is to be overlooked.

Maybe what I see is a misinterpretation but its more fun than believing the writers want the viewers to take this seriously
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