Original and Visually Stunning
12 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
'The Devil's Carnival' invokes a sense of wonder and morbid curiosity when you enter through its gates. The film's soundtrack lends to this childlike atmosphere, as well. Don't be fooled, however, as the use of Aesop's Fables as a storyline is something very unique and gives the Carnival a greater sense of maturity. Each fable is covered thoroughly and is made accessible to a wide range of ages by giving the songs a nursery rhyme feel. As a multi episode project, do not expect to have all questions answered, but for the sake of criticism there are some open ends that I would have liked answered, many of which pertain to the sinners brought to hell. I left the theatre not understanding what exactly happened to John's son (dead, but was it his fault or...?), why Tamara is going to hell (all teen girls must be going to hell if it's just for picking bad boyfriends), and why was Merrywood's trailer shot down by police when it looks like she just stole a bunch of things? The movie can be visually intense (strobe lights, fast movement, etc.) which can lead to missed details, but some things just didn't sit well with me. As I've seen one reviewer online write, I would have preferred a little more back story for clarification, even if that meant shortening/cutting a song or two. Overall, I can say that this is definitely a film worth watching, and I very much look forward to the second installment and DVD release.
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