"Thanks Bing"
14 May 2012
As the film Out Of This World comes to a conclusion, Eddie Bracken gives thanks to the man whose singing voice he borrowed for this film. Half the fun of this film is hearing the voice that has been heard by more people than any other in the history of the world coming from Bracken. All together fitting and proper that Eddie should thank Bing Crosby.

Paramount as it did in Bing Crosby's own film from the year before Here Come The Waves satirizes the swooning phenomenon that that newcomer Frank Sinatra personified. Diana Lynn is the leader of an all girl orchestra like Phil Spitalny's or Ina Rae Hutton's at the time, but they're not going anywhere. But when Eddie Bracken playing his usual schnook character honed to perfection by Preston Sturges in Hail The Conquering Hero and Miracle Of Morgan's Creek, takes to the microphone and out comes Bing's pear shaped tones, the girls have a meal ticket.

Trouble is that they have a cash flow problem so Lynn sells 125% of Bracken to various investors. Among them is Veronica Lake who might have her own plans for Bracken. Keeping that a secret from the investors until the legal problems can be straightened out is about 50& of a very delightful screen comedy.

The other half is the music which includes the all girl orchestra, the comedy of Cass Daley who is Diana Lynn's drummer and above all Bing Crosby singing some nice songs which include the title song, I'd Rather Be Me, and June Comes Around Every Year. I'm sure Crosby wished these had been saved for one of his own films.

Out Of This World holds up well after more than sixty years as a delightful screen comedy and a must for the three visible stars and above all for those who love and treasure Bing Crosby who in this fan's opinion was the greatest entertainer ever.
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