Coffin Rock (2009)
Good Ending Rescues Unpleasant Psychological Thriller
15 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A friend recommended this Aussie thriller to me so I rented it on Netflix. Like other reviewers stated, the plot is sort of Fatal Attraction in reverse. A married couple can't conceive, the wife desperately wants a child, so they go to a fertility clinic, but the husband is afraid to open the envelope when the result arrives in the mail. Meanwhile, frustrated wife, sure it's his fault, gets drunk and has a one night stand with the much younger phone clerk from the infertility clinic, who apparently found her instantly very attractive. Turns out she discovers she is pregnant shortly thereafter and assumes its Evan's child, her one-nightie guy. But Evan is somewhat obsessive, possessive and psycho, which Jess soon realizes, and now she is in a quandary trying to keep the event secret and allow Rob, her husband, to think he is the father.

The problem for me was that none of the characters were particularly interesting or likable, so there was little fun in the set up. Thus when the terrifying moments finally arrived, they did not involve me deeply, so I watched more for the shock value than for true excitement. Also there was no humor in the movie at all. But while the ending was what I expected, it was very satisfying, and contrary to one reviewer, I believe the director gave viewers enough information to know essentially what happened after the end. The film is about 90 minutes, though it seemed longer, probably because it was all rather unpleasant, while sluggish during the first half. Though not a great film, it is worth renting, but I doubt I will ever purchase it, as I don't think I would want to watch it again, with or without viewers who haven't seen it. If you want to see a thriller that gets it right, rent or buy "Stuck".
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