Battleship (2012)
very good graphics with a plausible story, its a win!
18 May 2012
I am extremely happy to see a movie about an alien invasion, that has nothing to do with the invaders wanting our resources aka Battlefield L.A., Cowboys and Aliens and all the other rubbish that fall's in that category. This motion picture was well written, acted and produced.

Finally Holly Wood pulled their collective heads out of their asses and delivered, the way we all knew they were capable of doing. This was a well thought out movie, with plenty of eye dropping detail that was integrated harmoniously with the special effects. There was balance between the two and it worked to perfection.

There were some surprises that for spoiler reason I can not dive into. All I can say is the United States Navy rocks, they kicked ass. I was cheering, yelling, screaming and finally rooting for the the men and women of the Armed Forces.

Battleship delivered a bonafided block buster, that will not be forgotten for some time to come.
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