Get the Gringo was an exciting action comedy that featured some unpredictable plot twist and turns along the way.
23 May 2012
Get the Gringo was an exciting action comedy that featured some unpredictable plot twist and turns along the way. Director Adrian Grunberg, wisely allowed Mel Gibson to be himself, and what the audience received in return was one of Mel Gibson's better performance's to date. He cracked jokes when needed, kicked ass when called upon, and was sly and cunning when it was time to be so; it is very nice to see Mel Gibson back. The part played by Kevin Hernandez of The Sitter, was nothing short of outstanding, I absolutely see an incredible future for this kid, he carried his part and some. The plot that writers Mel Gibson and Adrian Grunberg came up with was original and left you on the edge of your seat. This is a credit to the writers, that a movie such as this could be laced with action and then peppered with comedy it came together like a fine dining entrée at a four star restaurant. There is nothing to complain about, I thought the acting was great the story was tantalizing, the action was credible Get the Gringo was a win, win, for all involved.
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