John Carter (2012)
John Carter, had imagination, action and stunning CGI environments.
23 May 2012
John Carter, had imagination, action and stunning CGI environments. However it seems the majority of the movie reviewers came down negatively in their reviews of this major motion picture. The resourcefulness, required to bring the Martian landscape to life, should be noted. It was done with creativity and had a life of its' own. There were very few lulls in the action sequences; it was steady and done tastefully. The CGI Martian themselves looked tangible and were believable. If you were to judge this movie on the merit of strictly plot, it would fail miserably. However, in defense of John Carter, one only need look as far back as Battleship, Transformers and countless other entries in the Sci-Fi genera, to fully understand it is not always all about the plot. Although a properly written script works wonders. There are few Sci-Fi movies that have both a resounding plot and effects to boot, such as Star-Wars, Aliens and perhaps even Avatar. Considering all these factors, John Carter was nowhere as bad as all the reviewers would lead you to believe. Yes, the plot was weak, but most people do not go into watching this type of film expecting Sophie Choice or Chariots of Fire. This Hollywood block buster delivered what it advertised an exciting action laden movie with, imaginative environments and plenty of CGI.
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