My Future Boyfriend (2011 TV Movie)
Actually a very pleasant TV movie, not too long at 75 minutes.
4 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps it is telling of our network TV business that this made-for-TV movie is 75 minutes long and likely made to show over a 2-hour time slot. That leaves 45 minutes for commercials!

It has an interesting premise, far into the future when the Pacific Ocean is now dry land (I don't really believe it could happen that fast, anyway...) some explorers cut a hole into the hull of a long-sunken ship, and in a sealed compartment on the floor find a paperback novel "Forbidden Love" and a stash of money, a stack of USA $100 bills. The book was published in 2011, and a bit worn, and the bills were a 2012 printing. Those facts will eventually be very important.

Sara Rue is Elizabeth Barrett, the author of that book, and who also works for a magazine in New Orleans as a feature writer in 2011. (A word of disappointment, none of the scenes in New Orleans looked like New Orleans. The river was not the Missisippi. The streetcars were not on St Charles Avenue. That is because the movie was NOT filmed in New Orleans! It was filmed in Georgia.) Barry Watson (who looks amazingly like a slightly younger Tim Olyphant) is an explorer, PAX, in the year 3127, when he finds the book and pages through it he sees words he doesn't recognize, words like 'love' and 'sex'. The older scientist, old reliable Fred Willard as Bob tells him those are banished words, they are a type of virus that can cause trouble. So PAX decides the only way to find out is time-travel to 2011 and meet the author, and ask her those questions.

The story is clever on a number of levels. The "Forbidden Romance" of the book's title becomes the forbidden romance of Elizabeth and PAX, because she is engaged. Of course for the wrong reason, a year earlier he had kept her hat, actually her mother's old hat, from blowing into the river, so she figured 'fate' had brought them together.

When PAX shows up looking for Elizabeth, and claiming he is from 3127, everyone thinks he is deranged so she is asked to write a series on him. First off, how did he possess an obviously well-worn copy of the book when it was just being released that day, as Elizabeth was giving brand-new copies to her co-workers? Then, when he pays for things how is it he has 2012 money, signed by the Secretary of Treasury that was about to be first announced the next day?

Make no mistake this is just a lightweight rom-com, but I saw it on Netflix streaming movies and it is an entertaining 75 minutes. Although I remain disappointed that it wasn't filmed in New Orleans.

SPOILERS: After several misadventures, and Elizabeth now being unsure she really loves her fiancée', PAX and Bob end up back in 3127. But PAX has a bright idea, he will go back to the day and time in 2010 that the wind blew Elizabeth's hat off, and retrieve it right before the other guy gets to it, that way he will become her love interest. That is where the movie ends, as she is asking him to go to the restaurant for a cup of coffee and talk.
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