an insight into the twisted and disgusting minds of the American army
12 June 2012
First of all I personally gave it a 10/10 because the documentary was very moving and extremely insightful.

Seeing these repulsive human beings TRYING to justify what they did is not only disturbing but begs to question what America's reel motivation is.

Seeing these pathetic excuses coming out of such brainless people is seriously depressing. I totally understand not to expect much out of brainless idiots who accept to go to war for NO REASON, but this goes far beyond stupidity, this is actual cruelty..

This documentary does a great job of staying out of personal and emotional opinions or reactions, no judgements are made on these knuckle dragging soldiers, which does give everyone the chance to make up their own mind, which some would say is a good thing others like myself would totally disagree. We have to educate these people not give them the possibility to take this documentary and turn it into something they can laugh about and enjoy. So following that logic I think the film makers should have voiced their disgust and shame towards these soldiers..

All in all this is a very informative documentary that has much to show to the rest of the world. The biggest lesson these soldiers should take is, IF YOU REALLY THOUGHT WHAT WAS GOING ON WAS WRONG THEN DON'T PUT YOURSELF IN THAT SITUATION...

It's so simple... all these excuses of the little people got thrown under the bus etc.. just doesn't fly.. STOP with the pathetic excuses that you HAD to do it.. the biggest strength is in numbers.. and by the sounds of it they "all" thought these humiliating and torturous acts were wrong.. hummm... There seems to be an error in logic there.. Either they all thought it was wrong but not wrong enough to challenge each other on such a subject. Or... They simply thought (and I use the words "simply thought" purposely) that this was acceptable....and I don't have to explain why both are DESPICABLE reasons.
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