Review of Hackett

Gunsmoke: Hackett (1970)
Season 15, Episode 25
This episode never had a chance
19 June 2012
This episode is so poorly cast that at times if becomes laughable.

Morgan Woodward (Quentin Sargent), who always does well when playing the rough, is cast as a humble coward that spends his time meek and mild even when another character, Hackett, is after his wife. Earl Holliman (Hackett) plays a 30 something brat that runs around trying to be tough but acting like a 15 year old child. Jennifer West (wife of Quentin) tries to play a country farmer's wife but comes across as someone that escape from a mental institution. So no matter how good the script could have been, it was doomed from the start. And the final result will be a episode that is forgettable.

Hackett has just been released from prison after serving ten year term for train robbery. Seems that Quentin was also part of the gang but fled during the robbery and was never captured.

Hackett finds Quentin, who is now a farmer, and runs around the farm causing nothing be trouble. Quentin cowards down so Hackett takes everything he wants including his wife. And the episode plays out with the conflict between the ex-con and the coward.

This episode never had a chance. Even though they had some nice actors, the acting was poor. Blame this one on the casting.
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