Fly Me (1973)
Fly Me To The Moon...
29 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Checking up on Ebay for any rare Drive-In flicks that were currently going for a low amount,I was happy to notice this terrific-looking Drive-In Bubblegum Pop movie being one of the last search results,which led to me deciding to see how far this Drive-In could fly!

The plot:

Barely making it in time for her first flight as a newly appointed stewardess,Toby, (with her protective mother following close behind her) joins fellow stewardesses Andrea and Sherry and gets set for her first ever flight,where despite the attempts of her mum,Toby gets the attention of a "bone doctor" who is very keen on spending more time with Toby after the plane has landed.

Despite Toby and the two more experienced stewardesses each expecting to have some time to relax after the plane has completed its destination,they each soon begin to relies that their initial plans will turn out to be a far from smooth flight.

View on the film:

From the first five minutes of this film,director Cirio H. Santiago makes his three beautiful leading ladies bring a real shine,to an otherwise very disappointing Drive-In movie,with Pat Anderson, (co-star of the terrific,under rated film Dirty'O Neil) Lenore Kasdorf (who later featured in Starship Troppers!) and Lyllah Torena, each being very charismatic and also doing well to bring attention to some moments in Miller Drake's (who has since gone on to do special fx work for some of the all time biggest films!) screenplay that makes each girl pretty distinctive,(From one being a Kung-Fu fighter,to the other having trouble with an over protective mother.)

Sadly,despite having a Kung-Fu fighting stewardess and an easy on the eyes cast who seem prepared to turn this movie into pure Power Pop fun,Santiago instead decides to ruin any of the "pop" feel that the film may have had going for it,by making all of the events which take place after the plane's landing move at an annoyingly slow paced,which is matched by Santiago's dull,still camera moves,which only come to life during the short bursts of Kung-Fu action that give hints of what this film could have been.
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