Decent western with an unusual setting
1 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This film opens with an ambush on a train in Arizona in 1880; the bandits force the train to stop, blow open the mail car and make off with bags containing gold that belongs to Wells Fargo. They are chased by the sheriff and his posse and attempt to hide in a huge cave. The sheriff's men enter the cave and, after a brief shootout, only one of the gang is left alive; a teenaged boy, Pete Carver, who claims to have no idea where the stolen gold is. Fifteen years later the Carver is released from prison and heads straight back to the area of the crime. There is now a town nearby and all the locals seem happy to let him buy what he wants on credit as they believe he knows exactly where the gold is... and he is happy for them to believe that he does. Among the locals who come to him with business propositions is Elizabeth Trent, whose husband disappeared while looking for the gold. He agrees to help her restart the town newspaper using his credit. It isn't long before troubles start; a couple of thugs attempt to rob him more than once, the wealthy owner of the local copper mine sees him as a rival for Elizabeth's attentions and a man from Wells Fargo is intent on recovering the gold. Before the film is out there will be a duel, accusations of murder and finally a confrontation in the caves.

I hadn't heard of this western when I saw it advertised in the TV guide but thought I'd give it a go; it opened well with an explosive train robbery and a brief shootout in the cave before slowing down as we are introduced to the older Carver. This was a good move as his introduction kept the character ambiguous; he was clearly taking advantage of the people's willingness to offer him credit but it was some time before we discovered whether or not he knew exactly where the gold was. It wasn't a total surprise when we learn the truth as it is rare for the protagonist of such films to be the villain! Macdonald Carey might not have the screen presence of many western heroes but he did a decent job as Carver; his understated performance giving greater tension to the action scenes as Carver didn't look like a man who could beat any opponent. Likewise Victor Jory made a good villain; he isn't a crazed psychopath desperate to get his hands on the gold but he is believable dangerous... he even challenges Carver to a duel; not the usual shootout but a traditional pistols at twenty paces duel overseen by a 'referee'! All B westerns need some love interest and here it is provided by Alexis Smith, her character is fairly standard for such films but she does a good enough job.

The locations are used well; many viewers will recognise Vasquez Rocks, famously used many times in 'Star Trek' as well as in many other films and television shows. The cave scenes, filmed in Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico, looked great even though there was no explanation as to why it was beautifully lit rather than pitch black inside!

Overall this isn't a must see western but it has a decent enough story and an interesting setting that makes it worth watching if it is on television.
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