Ed Norton, Ed Norton, Ed Norton
14 July 2012
I had entertained the notion of leaving my boyfriend, Hugh Jackman, for Ed Norton before I saw "Moonrise Kingdom", but now after seeing Eddie's brilliant Scoutmaster, I'm kicking Jackman to the curb as soon as I post this review.

Quirky is right in my wheelhouse (as we say an awful lot lately)....I get whimsical, I embrace wit and playfulness. So it may surprise people to hear that I'm disappointed with Andersen's latest film. I've been looking forward to it forever, saw it with a favorite person and even snuck in our favorite snacks, but meh.

The artful touches were delightful like set decoration and shot composition. Inspired even. But the whole thing was impossible to hear. The score, basically Benjamin Briton, completely overwhelmed much of the dialogue, especially the mumbling young lovers. It was fun to watch, but torture to hear, or not hear, which is the main point. I needed subtitles, and I am someone who understood almost every syllable in "The Full Monty".

Ed Norton, my next beau, was exceptionally amusing and I can't wait to discuss his fine performance in depth with him. Sorry, Hugh.
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