Another Missed Opportunity
18 August 2012
The Expendables 2 reunites a cadre of action hero legends for another outing. This time the elite mercenaries known as the Expendables, led by Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone) embark on a mission of revenge as they attempt of thwart terrorist Villain (Jean-Claude Van Damme). But they're going to need more heroes so this time Trench (Arnold Schwarzenegger), Church (Bruce Willis), and even Booker (Chuck Norris) join in.

Making good on the promise of the 2010 hit The Expendables, this sequel ups the ante in terms of carnage. Genre fans will be pleased by the near genocide of evil. There are bullet holes, explosions, blunt injuries, capitations, and even impalements which grant this movie its R rating.

Our legends are showing their mileage. The young guns, who are hovering around 40-50, get to jump, kick, dive, etc. The rest of the lot simply stand and shoot automatic rifles, with the exception of Stallone who absolutely must break a sweat in an effort to one-up the competition. For what it's worth, the action is far easier to comprehend this time as director Simon West goes for a more traditional presentation. That look carries it's own burden as The Expendables 2 appears outdated. There's no effort at slow motion or the intricate tracking shots that one expects out of a today's films. That the actors come from a different time doesn't mean the filmmaking techniques should… OK, the CGI helicopters aren't necessarily evocative of Commando.

The Expendables 2 seeks to rebel against the new hero standards which have caught the world on fire. In trying to defy the narrative set forth by the comic book adaptations, we have a series that touts real heroes but delivers cartoons. The Expendables 2 misses the opportunity to address the humanity in its non-superheroes. They don't feel the effects of aging—a better source for comedic material than the obvious resume shout-outs. Spider-Man is more realistic in how he juggles a secret life, sustains injury, and tries to win over the girl. Barney Ross could have in the least been teased over taking Centrum Silver.
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