Silly and sweet
27 August 2012
Here's a little documentary you don't know, about a subject you've never heard of. And, man, it couldn't be better! Everyone has seen the suspicious ads in the back of magazines that look like schemes for separating a sap from his cash. Ads that want you to send in cash in order to print your book, song, whatever. Off the Charts is about those little companies and the people that send material to them. Song-Poems, those companies call them; God-awful, most everyone else calls them; downright entertaining is what I call this movie. These horrible little songs that people send in have charm and personality. There is also a certain sadness to the entire situation -- of people who are in limited situations sending out for impossible dreams, completely unaware of how bad the lyrics they are sending away. Or maybe, most who use these services do it just because they want to hear their own song, no dream of riches, no manipulation involved, just having fun making music. Either way, these Song-Poems are awesome. If you can get your hands on this film, give it a spin. It is full of quirk and will definitely put a smile on your face. And after all, that's what entertainment's for.
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