I expected something as good as Repo, and was sorely disappointed. (Spoilers are at the end)
2 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Note: This vote 4 out of 10 was solely for the concept/ideas and the soundtrack. The actual movie makes me want to give it a 1. I am a huge fan of Terrance Zdunich, and have memorized his movie, Repo! The Genetic Opera, along with the soundtrack. I also read and very much enjoyed The Molting graphic novels that he created. So the art in the Devil's Carnival was expected by myself and others who went with me to be at par with his other works. The Devil's Carnival was a plot-hole filled movie with pointless parts and an overly-filled cast with under-filled scripts. This movie has so very much potential and the concept is beyond exciting. But I spent a lot of time and money to go and see this film. The opening acts were fun and entertaining, and the recaps of Repo! and other things were interesting to watch. But it was all just a hand waving in your face as you tried to focus on the crux of the actual movie. The movie itself had a great plot with so many interesting things thrown in that were left hanging (I don't want to say too much to spoil the movie). There were multiple HUGE plot holes that actually ruined the movie several times throughout the hour-long show, one in particular toward the end that infuriates me to this day. I am actually angry and insulted that this movie was portrayed to me as a consumer and fan because I feel it was half-done and rushed into completion. This movie had the potential to be an amazing, well-thought out production, but because of maybe cost or lack of time, it was thrown together with randomly inserted scenes that actually did nothing for the watcher.

All in all, the movie had so many good concepts and ideas, and the soundtrack is absolutely stunning. The acting is great and the different scenes were lovely to behold. But as for putting it all together, it was poorly done and enrages me because I felt so let down as a fan.

SPOILERS Plot Holes: Why would the carnies sing to each other of people's indiscretions if they had done these acts so many times, and why would the other carnies be so into the tale? The act would get old quick, wouldn't it?

Why is Lucifer reading stories to what he knows as the imp with not one of the three characters able to see or hear? This is a tool used so that the story can be told to the audience, I can get it. But why the Hell would Lucifer waste his time reading to one of his minions with no audience as if it really were John's son? This I can't ignore; I am not a stupid consumer, this can be done so much better.

What is the point of "Kiss the Girls?" Other than to freak John out, it seemed to serve no purpose other than providing me with one (and only one) part of the soundtrack to skip. Not only that, but they set up a kissing booth and have a whole kissing song set up for John and for what purpose? What does kissing have to do with John?

Why does Tamara trust the Scorpion SO easily when she had literally just been shot and killed by her ex boyfriend? What, did she just forget that it had happened?

This really irritates me: Why does the Twin sing about Russian Roulette and darkness, and then show Ms. Merrywood a game with cracking an egg? I mean... why wouldn't she be playing Russian Roulette? That would have been an amazing scene.

The makeup was well-done but had no story. It seemed as if the makeup artist wanted to do something different and interesting with each carnie, but there was no rhyme or reason. Why did the painted doll look like she had a black and white desert on her face, all cracked and sucked dry of water? The twin was green with his skin peeled off as if the artist just got some horror skin from any random halloween store and plastered it all over his face. Did he drown? What's that story? What's with the scorpion's random plastic hair? My guess is that these little things are to show that these carnies are all just a little bit "off" to the characters to maybe tip them off that they are in Hell (which, by the way, each character is a moron because they haven't figured out that dying means they are no longer alive)? Either way, the makeup was unexplained and lacking some serious concept.

I guess I went in expecting something as amazing and well-thought-out as Repo! And yet I left with this seething anger that I had all my thoughts shattered and my fandom left in shreds. I am still confused each time I listen to the soundtrack or watch Repo!, because I am still furious at the creators for giving me this piece of work.

The movie had sooooooo much potential with all of the ideas, but it fell flat because of stupid, technical errors and plot holes that anyone past the age of 13 should have seen.
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