Girl Fight (2011 TV Movie)
A brutal story told in a good way...
14 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Girl Fight" turned out to be a good and compelling movie, despite it dealing with a heavy issue as it does. And the fact that the movie is based on true events just adds to the depths of the story. The story is cruel and may not be just suitable for anyone, but I think that it deals with something that should be brought to public notice.

The storyline in "Girl Fight" is about Haley (played by Jodelle Ferland) whom is a fairly invisible girl at school, she is viewed as brainy nerd because she was skipped ahead in classes, and she desperately wants to be in with the "cool" girls in school. The chance to become part of the popular circle shows itself and Haley grabs the chance. However, what seemed to be a life in the glamorous track turns out to become a nightmare as Alexa Simmons (played by Tess Atkins) find out that Haley had badmouthed her and her group of girlfriends online before becoming a member in their group. To get back at this, Alexa have the group gang up on Haley and beat her to a bloody pulp. They video this with their camera phones to have it uploaded to a public social video site. Battered and bruised, Hailey end up in the hospital. Haley's mom, Melissa (played by Anne Heche) wants to see the girls who beat up her daughter in prison and does whatever she can to see it done.

Storywise, the movie does tell a good story. Good in the sense that it is captivating and well-told, not good in the sense that violence or videos of violence should be condoned. The story does root itself in the psyche and stays with you, especially because the movie is based on something that actually happened. And it just goes to prove the stupidity and absurdity of some people, and also the extremes some people go to when cornered.

I am not a man of violence myself, but do enjoy the fictional violence in movies. But this movie sort of had me shocked, because it was appalling to see what some people would stoop to doing to another person just because of some indifference or intolerance. And the whole thing about videoing it to put it on the Internet, well that is just sickening beyond belief.

"Girl Fight" does build up a good amount of sympathy for Haley and her family, but at the same time it also does a good job at dealing with guilt, blame and forgiveness. The movie just works out well on many different levels and at many different aspects of the story.

The people they had cast for the movie were doing a good job. And do remember that this is a fictional movie, actors and actresses portraying fictional characters here, as it is easy to grow to dislike or loathe the ones portraying the 'bad girls' in the movie. I will say that they did good jobs portraying the viciousness of their characters and portraying the cruelty some people possess in their hearts. And of course Jodelle Ferland and Anne Heche were doing good jobs as well. As was James Tupper.

"Girl Fight" is a brutal movie in a way, but at the same time it is a good movie because it deals with such a heavy issue in a good way. "Girl Fight" is a movie well worth watching, and it does leave you with something to think about. Personally, I didn't find the ending of the movie to be all that satisfying, but then again it is because my own morals didn't go along the leniency and compassion that the family decided to show to those who had so brutally beaten up the daughter. But that is, of course, a matter of preference and moral issues, as we are all different individuals with different morals and values.

And on that moral note, I will encourage you to watch "Girl Fight" if you haven't already, because it is a movie that should be brought out to the public.
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