Boardwalk Empire: You'd Be Surprised (2012)
Season 3, Episode 5
Boardwalk Empire You'd Be Surprised
17 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
After the sabotage of last week and the reconnection of Nucky and his brother this week we start with a close up on a room where Gyp is having a weird style of sex which includes a belt. Then she pulls to hard but he ends up living. Eli then tells Nucky's closest about he thinks they should do about losing some road networks. Arnold has some problems with the way things have been going so he talks personally to Nucky. The two have it out and it provides some great writing mixed with these two actor's talents. Nelson is then called into his employers office because they have found some information about his past even though it is not about his police work but his tax forms were not fully filled out. Whitlock is back looking at how Gillian is running the club. He tells her she is spending more money then is coming in from the clients, so she asks for a loan until the summer. As Margaret talks to someone about the clinic Nucky comes in and he just is popping in to see how she is doing. At the Treasury Andrew W. Mellon who is there to be tried by the man on his idea of Prohibition. We then go to a musical practice which includes Nucky's women on the side practicing. An onlooker with Nucky says that maybe his women could be going with someone else from the cast. Nelson gets a knock on the door as someone slips the same piece of paper he got at work to show someone is close on his trail. Nelson tells his partner the truth about his past. At Margaret's pregnancy class the women seem to find it interesting. Then Helen the doctor's finance comes to pick him up. When Nucky's girl comes in she seems upset as her show is not going well and all she wanted to do was complain even though Nucky says he will change the show. Arnold then meets with Gyp to settle some business but in comes a newspaper boy who Gyp is able to scare very easy then telling the guys where they can find some booze. Nucky meets with the adviser of the show Billie is doing to talk about him starring in the show even though he has something planned in New York. He turns down the offer either way. Margaret still try's to get women to go the clinic but being a woman no one really wants to talk to her. She then goes into the place where she used to work and runs into Nucky as he is buying clothes for Billie. Just as Mr. White is about to leave town Chalky comes in representing Nucky to get him to stay for Billie. We then get a funny musical number as these two men looking making the moment much more depressing as the two men expect him to answer yes to Nucky's request. Nucky comes to apologize to Margaret but she is not taking it as she felt humiliated. Nelson gets home as his new wife talks to the agent who has been tracking him. Then as the man reaches into his bag his wife hits him over the head and the two must take his body out of the apartment but first Nelson must quickly finish the death. Back to Gillian's club as no business comes in Gillian writes a letter to her son who does not know is dead. The doctor cannot make it to the meeting so Margaret takes it over herself. Nelson then goes to ask for help getting rid of a body. Then while Gyp is having his sex a fake news guy comes in and starts shooting the place up but some how Gyp is able to survive. Best episode so far with stellar performances especially by Buscemi.

EPISODE GRADE: B+ (MVP: Steve Buscemi)
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