Fast Girls (2012)
Language not suitable for younger viewers
20 October 2012
This is not written as a review of the film so much as its rating and guidance for parents thinking they might like to watch this with a child younger than 15. The film is rated 12a and written about a subject that a lot of younger children would following the summer of 2012 want to watch.

As no content advisory existed I decided to review the film first before sitting with my 8 year old sports mad daughter and i am glad I did.

Amongst various scatological terms and suggestive comments the film was let down by the use of one muttered and two very clear F bombs which in my mind at least should have warranted a 15 rating and were completely unnecessary.

This is a shame as the film has the promise to be an athletic themed feel good along the lines of Bend It Like Beckham. I can only imagine this was allowed through by the censors as it was an Olympic year.
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