Review of Dead Again

Dead Again (1991)
One of the worst movies ever made
25 October 2012
How this turgid slop can rate above 6 on IMDb is completely beyond me.

This movie has an exceptional cast and looks to have an interesting storyline so one should expect to be entertained.

The first warning that things have gone awry comes in the opening scene when you discover that Kenneth Branagh, THE Kenneth Branagh of so many magnificent films, is playing a hokey gumshoe detective and has adopted a terrible American accent.

The plot turns out to be entirely predictable and the entire cast seem to simply be going through the motions, perhaps knowing that this movie is not going to count among their finer works.

Kenneth Branagh is terrible. Derek Jacobi is terrible. Emma Thompson is terrible. Wayne Knight is terrible. Horrible. Hanna Schygulla doesn't make much of an appearance but when she does is terrible. Andy Garcia isn't terrible but he probably realised early on that he couldn't pull it out of the mire.

This film is an embarrassment to all concerned.
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