Well done Korean style gangster movie
28 October 2012
First, forgive me for sounding redundant, but in my opinion, Korean movies nowadays has surpassed Hollywood movies in term of storyline. I just can't stand how nowadays CGI has become kind of plague in almost every major movies of Hollywood with thin storyline. Not that CGI is a bad thing really but it just kinda hurt to see how decent Hollywood movies without CGI or dirty teen humor are failing in today's box office.

And although it's not a Hollywood produced, but watching 'Nameless Gangster' is like a remedy to bring back those old sweet experiences when movies are all but the lavish computer generated images. Loyalty, deception, greed, arrogance, corruption, integrity, well it just hold too much elements in storytelling of being an epic gangster movie with some comical situation which wouldn't hurt nobody. You won't find bullets flying or machetes swinging but you'll find a compelling story of how a minor custom officer build up his career through the top of Busan underground society and the downfall later on.

While it's not fair to compare Nameless Gangster head to head with classic Scorsese's picture like Goodfellas, but one can't help but to notice the similarity, and indeed both movies did build the same tense of depicting the long shot career of an underground character to build both our sympathy and repulsion. Choi Min Sik is a real versatile Korean actor, he has done a stretch range of convincing acting from a vicious protagonist in 'Oldboy' to a brutal serial killer in 'I Saw the Devil', and here he scored once again to add more depth to the movie with Ha Jung Woo putting the equal class of performance. Just great.

So give it a try if you're looking for a well packed story of a gangland world, but in Korean style if not to say in Eastern style, mind you!

It's a shame this movie didn't get enough attention as it should be...
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