Winterbeast (1992 Video)
I just love this stuff
30 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
OK, lets review... What was the idea again? Nothing! This film has little to no plot, and even less explanation to whatever plot there is. The first shot is a guy sitting in a chair. When his friend asks if he's OK, he says he's fine and turns his face to his friend. Well, his face is half burnt, and he picks and eats at his guts through a hole in his side while a stop-motion tentacle man appears and the other guy falls over in fright. Then we cut to a shot of a skull bursting out of a guys chest. The former scene with the guy who picks at his gut is never explained, nor is it revisited ever again in the film. Then the movie starts with some ranger guys discussing a missing person on a mountain. They just run around looking for him and more people start to disappear. Well some sort of lodge owner or something is later found to be the villain, summoning up all these weird creatures. It's cause he wants to rule the world, or something, or I don't know. I mean I was paying attention, and I don't even know whats going on. Anyway these creatures are called up and start attacking people. The first one is a totem pole, which grabs naked chicks out of their homes, looks at them, and throws them against the wall. Then we have some sort of hairy sleestak creature that kills two hikers. Afterwards a six armed ET which kills a ranger. And then we come to the dragon dinosaur chicken thing that bites off some dudes head. Then we see a giant hawk thing which runs around cawing for 1 minute, then disappears.I like how whenever the monsters show up, they run around, cause some mayhem, then disappear, and afterwords they are never referred to again. All of these creatures are stop motion, and not good stop motion mind you, it's like a little six year old after they see a Ray Harryhausen movie and decide to make a creature out of plato. There's also a makeup corpse and the skull, which is seen again with the same clip, but still never explained. and there's the final monster which is some giant or something. HOnestly this movie makes no sense. So i guess you'll just have to leave your brain at the door and just sit back and enjoy. Honestly its a pretty bad movie that makes troll 2 look good in comparison, but it's definitely still the best worst movie ever made. Like the tag line says it must be seen to be believed...
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